undefined - December - NSW Family Partnership Model Facilitator Community of Practice - illustration 730fd2e5-11bd-4010-a5b7-be6d2b560e3f

Karitane - December - NSW Family Partnership Model Facilitator Community of Practice - illustration 3097747b-2150-44fd-af34-b5edc93f5842

December - NSW Family Partnership Model Facilitator Community of Practice


Come and Join our Online NSW FPM Facilitator Community of Practice meetings. Each month we will have a different focus in which we aim to share and learn together the various ways in which we can build our confidence, skills, qualities and knowledge for effective facilitation of the Family Partnership Model training and practice.



Quick wins - purpose and process

3rd December

3:00pm - 4:00pm
Sharlene Vlahos  & Karen Willcocks
NSW FPM train the trainers
100Via MS Teams


For further information see our event flyer.

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